(Kaldor, “theories of value and distribution” ; Introductory chapter
; 1960)
Nicholas Kaldor says, in 1960, “the conditions under which…”, he means cerebral.
Those “conditions” are cerebral as they are not found in the manifest, physical
world. Kaldor also seems on related territory when he mentions “abstract” and “a-priori,” in this introduction to volume 1 of
his collected “essays” (“Collected Economic Essays”; 1980).
In telling us all about his earlier life
as a neo-classical fellow (he studied under Lionel Robbins at the LSE), we are given
to understand that the goal is to determine economic equilibrium: “the
factors determining economic equilibrium,” or the conditions of economic
equilibrium. As a purely private scholar-economist my own view
puts me in a different place. My economics takes me to a different place. I assume rather the opposite. To me, there aren’t any such factors or conditions: the concept doesn't seem to apply. The
difference is in where we start from. We find ourselves back to the consideration of assumptions; and, we may
question them, we may try to get a read on how different people assume different things. Assumptions
do not merely need to be assumed. Rather we can get some bearings on where we
are at with them. So, Kaldor seems to keep saying the same things. I mentioned the word "conditions," and there is also “that abstract world.” Another bit from Kaldor is where he mentions generalisations that are “derived from a few self-evident postulates alone.” I also noticed the word, “static.”
In his “introduction to volume one” Kaldor
does really a quite excellent job of stating the whole nest of problems that relate to the
self-generated neo-classical mental world (as of 1960). He discusses what
he and other economists believed in economics, in the 1930s. But Kaldor eventually rejected
it; and, this I hasten to add, took a while. So; He is someone who both accepted and rejected the neo-classical system of
thought. Quite a feat. Most of us do one or the other, but not both, while Mr. Kaldor first
accepted then rejected.
There also could be someone who first rejected, then decided that, if
looked at more carefully, there could be a little sense to it. Not much,
some. Why else would anyone have believed in it?
Let us now read through the 1933 paper (“The
Determinateness…”) in order to get, only, sentence six. This reads:
For in any analytical study, forces whose laws of operation are known
must clearly be separated from others in whose behavior [things are, Um—not so well known] and the only
satisfactory way to detect and account for the influence of the latter [what he
said, above, which I chose to omit, was, actually, “uniform principles” and he
is en-quoting these words himself] in the real world is by assuming them away and
examining what events would be like in their absence. It is, moreover, only by
employing this “method of difference” [as before: the author is en-quoting his
own wording] that we can hope gradually to extend the range of phenomena over
which we can make generalisations.
The excerpt, which I have slightly
tampered with, provides us with perhaps a good example of how the more
intelligent sort of neo-classical practitioner thinks (in – for example – the thirties).
How are these “forces of operation” to be “known”?
What does he mean by “known”? I would like to point out, firstly, that they are known to the economist.
And what does Kaldor mean by forces (I will choose to accept “forces” here)
whose laws are “known”? I want to discuss this sentence here as one which seems to
invite an enormous, devastating criticism. How are these bits (or laws) known? When
the “forces whose laws of operation are known [or not]” are divided into the two
categories Kaldor gives (this known and the unknown stuff echoes Donald
Rumsfeld, for reasons I don't know anything about), even without considering them we are able to see that both of the two categories are to be
known strictly through self-referential, internal exercises. The problem is
that, first, some of these laws – those that are not known – are omitted. We can accept that. Fine, then, the only
way for us is to omit them. But what are left are things that are known
cerebrally. Since that is so, both categories
are self-referential, both are merely
internal, cerebral, self-generated “knowledge.” It is all happening inside the
The “static,” the “a-priori,” the cerebral—this constitutes everything he calls “known.” The division into two parts is thus in
my view absurd. The “forces...are known”, claims Kaldor. Yes, but as a thought
exercise. There is, he claims, a case where the “behavior of things” (my own
en-quotation) is not known. In the other case, they are. This exists as a contrast to the other case. In the
latter case, “forces” or “laws” are not
known, they are to be assumed away because of this. So it is the case that where
“there is no ‘uniform principle’” we are justified to assume these things away
and then what is left are those “forces,” or “laws,” that are known. We have assumed away some things that are not known, but
that is alright (we could say valid, or scientific) since it is the case that “forces
whose laws of operation” are known
are taken into consideration (and this has to be done, I suppose, in a most scientific
When we ask how they were known, we see
they were known only by the mind. Yet this same mind also assumed away other
phenomena. Or “forces,” which could mean many things, really, including “behaviors,”
which word may not have been so commonplace in the thirties, compared to today,
in psychology and economics, among other places. So, the objection here is that
what is “known” (according to Kaldor’s view as of the 1930s) are the behaviors—presumably
something like buying and selling. These are known by mind, by the mind—only
that. There is a backstory here. We are looking at something. Some persons looked
at some others persons who were engaged in buying and selling practices—trade,
in other words. That person then calls himself an economist. He says that he
(or she--however I do not see the females who “know” these things) knows things.
That’s great; but, what? That which she “knows” turns out to be assumptions.
Everything comes from the same place—the mind.
How about turning it around? Wouldn’t it
be much better to assert rather that we do not
know exactly what is going on in this buying/selling world? This world we
call, for lack of a better name, economics. That is not what they do. These men
say: “we do know.”
This is the kind of assertion they make, but
when we look? Then it is clear that nothing is really known. It is assumption
after assumption, case after case of merely listing possible realities or
assumptions. What is actually known
is much less than Kaldor’s use of the word “known” would seem to indicate. From
observation of the world, what we know, is this. Persons are in fact buying and
selling things to each other. They sell a lot
of things. They almost always use money, too, so that not only are goods
transferred. Also money is. Many times the monies used are obtained on credit, and
this is where bankers come into it. More we do not know. We do not know
that (these are Kaldor’s examples, numerically listed to the number of six, in
this first piece) “a closed economy” can be assumed, or that there is “perfect
knowledge,” or that there is “perfect competition.” (Kaldor also has something
called “direct exchange,” which seems to be another conceptual necessity to
make all of this stuff function properly.) Then he adds a fifth and sixth
consideration as regards problems involving time, and concludes by saying “these
assumptions we may thus regard as the ‘accepted framework’ of static theory…” (We
should note another self-en-quotation.) He then adds that in the case where
there are those who (even in the thirties) contest this framework, they do so
in a particular way. (It has to do with the word “determinateness,” b.t.w.,
where, once again, even the very word “determinateness” apparently needs to be
self-en-quoted.) This seems to be Kaldor’s practice (of putting things in quote
markings), but I want to say that he is a very thorough person and clearly has
given much thought and study to these things that he at one time accepted, later
So, once
again, my problem with Kaldor’s presentation is that everything is determined by the mind, including both the category
of what laws by which forces act or what forces we are able to know, and that other set of complimentary
forces or laws or behaviors we don't know. The result is we have no way to say where one is to make the cut. Yet such a division into two
categories is defended, this in the opening paragraph of “introduction to
volume one.” There is nothing, or almost nothing, that is “known” or else on
the other hand somehow suffers from something like “no uniform principle,”
which allows us to leave those factors
off since both are uniform. This
is because both come from the mind, nowhere else. And if there are some
phenomena of economics that are validly known, it is just these general
everyday observations. All businessmen know about that. In fact, all of the fancier things (that only the
economist knows) like “forces,” factors, laws, behaviors and whatever are creations
of mind. And since these are cerebral only, my argument is that none can be “known”
any more than any other. There is nothing definitively known at all—nothing to
base a science on.
I feel that, properly understood, this is
very important refutation of ideas within the area of economics. The “known”
forces are just as mysterious as the “unknown” forces, and everything collapses
with that observation. His confidence in “forces whose laws of operation are
known” is clearly mistaken. We see it when we ask about how they are “known” at all.
For in any analytical study, forces whose
laws of operation are known must clearly be separated from others in whose
behavior no such “uniform principles” have yet been detected; and the only
satisfactory way to detect and account for the influence of the latter in the
real world is by assuming them away and examining what events would be like in
their absence.
Note: Kaldor, “essays on value and
distribution,” second ed; Holmes and Meier Publishers, Inc; New York; 1982
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